
Day 1 - Pipiwai

Saturday 28th December - Tau Henare Marae

  • Setup marae or camping options
  • Pōwhiri 3pm
  • Reunion Registration
  • Dinner 5.00pm
  • Evening activities
    • Whakapapa with Leone
    • Who, Where and Why the beginnings
  • Supper/Karakia
  • After hours activities
    • Karaoke [Theme: 60s,70s,80s,90s Era] with Wal
    • Games in chill zone [Board games, Knucklebones, Elastics, Cards etc]


Day 2 - 'Keep the sabbath day holy'

Sunday 29th December 

  • Karakia 7am
  • Breakfast 7.15-8.30am
  • Karakia, Te Horo ward
  • NGATAIRUA wahi tapu
  • Lunch 12pm
  • Afternoon workshops
    • Health and our Family history seminar with Connie
    • Pepeha/Whaikorero workshop with Hone, Te Koha and Sonny
    • Kai Karanga with Leone
    • Ngā Waiata with Ros
    • Whānau Waiata with Midge
    • Tamariki activity
  • Dinner 5.00pm
  • Evening activities
    • Whanau Expo with Enya
    • Individual family displays and presentation
    • Movie clips - Replay of old family movies, reunions and gatherings
  • Supper/Karakia
  • After hours activities
    • Games on [Board games, Knucklebones, Elastics, cards etc]
    • Choir practice with Midge


Day 3 - 'Awarua'

Monday 30th December

  • Karakia 7am
  • Breakfast 7.15 – 8.30am
  • Travel to Awarua
  • Activities
    • NGAWHAKARORA Wahi Tapu
    • Top town with Anaru
    • Swimming/Water slide
    • Shooting range/Eeling preparation with Franko, Lem and Joel.T
    • Crafts [Poi, Halo rings and Flax weaving] with Gigi and crew
  • Travel back to Tau Henare
  • Dinner location TBC
  • Evening Activities
    • Eeling with Lem, Frank and Joel
    • Fire pit/Bon fire and Fireworks
  • Supper/Karakia
  • After hours activities
    • Karaoke [Country and Western] with Wal
    • Games on [Board games, cards, Elastics etc]


Day 4 - 'New Years Eve'

Tuesday 31st December

  • Karakia 7am
  • Breakfast 7.15-8.30am
  • Travel/Motatau Urupa/Travel
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Activities
    • Whanau Photo session with Shontelle
    • Capture the moment treasure hunt with TBC
    • Paint ball TBC
    • Swimming/Manu competition with Al and Farrell
  • Dinner 5pm New Years Eve
  • Evening activities
    • Kids disco (1-hour dress up with games, prizes and face painting) Brenda and Joel Ts lot
    • This was her Life (Play)/Story time reflection time
  • Supper/Karakia
  • Afterhours activties
    • Karaoke with Wal
    • Pukana challenge other old school games


Day 5 - 'New Years Day'

Wednesday 1st January 2025

  • Karakia 7am
  • Breakfast 7.15-8.30am
  • Clean up/Pack down
  • Closing


NOTE: It has been decided FOR THE GOOD OF ALL MAN KIND due to experiences from past FAMILY VARIETY SHOWS and taking into consideration that only 10% of the whanau CAN ACTUALLY SING we have removed this from the program and replaced it with Karaoke themed nights each evening in a designated chill zone......

Kia Ora